• Category: Volume2023Volume1
  • Hits: 153

RARE CASE OF ASSOCIATED WITH ANGIOEDEMA SERUM SICKNESS WITH MIXED ETIOLOGY, Svetlan Dermendzhiev, Mihail Maznev, Petar Paskalev, Georgi Kavlakov

Abstract: Serum sickness is defined as a systemic immunocomplex disease, triggered by application
of heterologic serums (classic form) or medications, develops as III (immunocomplex) type allergic
reaction by the classification of Coombs and Gell, which characteristic clinical manifestation appears
to be vasculitis. The modern understandings of the disease give us reason to count it in
hypersensitivity vasculitis, caused by proven or suspected exogenous factors (medications or
antiserums). The clinical practice shows that the disease is more common than it is officially
registered. And presumably due to the fact that it is thought of more rarely, the clinical symptoms
often mislead the clinicians to diagnose it as another form and register it as another diagnosis. The
exact identification of the problem is a reason that the illness is hardly assumed as “rare disease”.
This phenomenon could be explained with the circumstance that in a historical perspective the serum
sickness is well known and clinically described, but the etiology and the peculiarities in its clinical
course make it difficult for recognition and accurate registration. This conclusion is categorically
supported by the clinical case, presented by us. Its description will contribute to the enhancement of
the quality and effectiveness from the diagnostic-therapeutic activities of the general practitioners as
well as the specialists from different corresponding with the problem specialties – allergologists,
immunologists, internists, dermatologists, infectiologists and others.
Keywords: Serum sickness, angioedema, etiology, clinical picture, criteria for diagnosis and
differential diagnosis. 

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