Summary: Digital health technologies are completely changing the way patients and doctors
perceive healthcare. Technology is important for the future of individual medical specialties, but the
participation of patients will also have a serious impact on their formation in the coming years. As
with other areas of innovation, there will be medical specialties that will be more strongly influenced
by others. There will be specialties that will "thrive" more than others. The purpose of this review is
to examine the impact of digital health technologies on the progress and development of some medical
specialties and activities. Materials and methods, Source of information: Searched in the databases
of Google, Google Scholar, Medscape, Webmed, Medline, Linkedin, Twitter by keywords: medical
specialties, digital health technologies, telemedicine, artificial intelligence. Results and Conclusion:
There is no doubt that digital health technologies will play a major role in the future development of
medicine and healthcare. Technology in some medical specialties will finally allow doctors to focus
on what makes them good doctors: treating patients, while new digital health technologies will do
the repetitive part of the job. The data from our study shows that there will be specialties such as
radiology, as well as cardiology, surgery, forensic medicine, infectious diseases, oncology,
emergency medicine and pathology. These professions will be highly dependent on digital health
technologies and professionals will interact with them on a daily basis. Others such as geriatrics,
dentistry, pulmonology and otolaryngology. In these professions, digital health technologies will
have a limited role, as they will mostly serve as assistive tools.
Key words: medical specialties, digital health, telemedicine, artificial intelligence, virtual reality

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