- Category: Magazine2022Volume1
- Written by: BSMJ
- Hits: 220
OTOLARINGOLOGICAL MANIFESTATION OF COVID-19, Daniel Petkov, Tsvetelina Grigorova, Valentin Stoyanov
Abstract: Introduction: We detect, analyze and discuss the different ear nose throat (ENT)
manifestations those were reported in COVID19 hospitalised patients in the university hospital of
Burgas. [1]
Aim: The aim of the study is to find common ENT symptoms for developing the disease in COVID19
positive patients. [2]
Matherials and methods: We made a questionnaire among the hospitalized patients and a research
in the PubMed databases, Web of Science and others.
Results: Within the included 98 COVID-19 laboratory - confirmed positive patients, the most
common ENT manifestations of COVID-19 were sore throat (15%). Other common
otorhinolaryngological manifestations of the disease were - pharyngeal erythema, runny nose,
nasal congestion, enlargement of the tonsils, infection of the upper respiratory tract. [3]
Conclusions: As a conclusion we can say that ENT manifestations for COVID-19 are not common
as fever and cough. Nevertheless the disease is still spreading and with all the mutations we should
continue the evaluation of the clinical manifestation. [4]
Key words: COVID19, ENT, symptoms, manifestations, ear, nose, throat
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