- Category: Magazine2022Volume1
- Written by: BSMJ
- Hits: 193
Summary: Solving the problem of "abortion" requires a comprehensive approach and a global
strategy with positioning in the future.
The purpose of the present study is to investigate and analyze the available literature on the
problem, outlining the role of the midwife in the prevention and care of abortion at will.
Materials and methods:A documentary method was used, normative documents, documents of
international organizations literary sources were studied
The analysis of the medical and social problems of maternal and family health presupposes the
following current consequences for Bulgaria: 1) high frequency of abortions; 2) increasing the
frequency of single motherhood; 3) increasing incidence of infertility in the family.
These problems of maternal and reproductive health can be closely linked to the competencies,
role and place of the midwife.
According to the qualification characteristics of the midwife in Bulgaria, she "organizes and
participates in activities for the protection of women's reproductive health - preventive methods,
family planning." Ordinance № 1 of 8 February 2011 on the professional activities that nurses,
midwives, associate medical professionals and health assistants may perform by appointment or
independently, states that they may independently provide the following obstetric services:
• providing appropriate information and advice on family planning issues;
• prevention and prophylaxis of sexually transmitted infections, HIV and AIDS, drug addiction,
alcoholism, smoking, violence, work and domestic accidents;
• Training, prevention and education of the woman and her relatives;
• Identification of health problems and advice of persons with increased health risk.
In many European countries, midwives are “responsible for counseling and care during medical
abortions and beyond
Conclusion: There is no clear vision about the preventive activity of the midwife in the field of
sexual and reproductive health. Establishing family planning obstetric activities are a realistic way
to reduce the number of abortions and improve women's health.
Key words: prevention, reproductive health, abortion, midwife, family planning